Sunday, November 30, 2014

    How Much Does it Cost to Do Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy?

It never ceases to amaze me (or amuse me) when I have an enquiry into the cost of quitting smoking when after hearing the price I am told it is too expensive. 

Recently I discounted my costs by more than 55% as a special promotion, and was stunned by the response I received. I expected a lot of interest but what I didn't expect was the response when they found out the cost....even though it was less than half price for 4 hours of therapy with a fully trained Naturopath/ Hypnotherapist/ NLP practitioner!

I was charging a mere $200 for the whole program and was told it was too expensive! I may add that many of my colleagues will charge that for an hour.

To the people who think this way, I need to ask you, how much is your life worth?


Is it not worth $200 to live a healthier life and avoid the costs of lung (and other) cancers? Take a look at the statistics in the US alone.


If I was to offer a $30 vitamin pill for preventative health care, most people won't take me up on it, yet they would spend $3000 - $10,000 or more if they had a sudden crisis (due to neglected health) which can often be contributed to faulty lifestyle. I do question where people are at with their values.

Also the concept that one cigarette doesn't hurt has me stunned. We have cancers happening in our bodies all day long, but our immune system comes to our defense and gets rid of them. What if our immune system is down due to stress, or whatever else, and is unable to eradicate these cells and they begin to grow into full blown cancers? This can happen so easily and smoking  is actually one of the many factors that can cause our immune systems to be compromised.

The commonly used excuse not to participate in Quit Smoking Hypnosis is "I can't afford it!" Well how much more expensive is it to smoke, and continue smoking for years? 

How much have you spent on cigarettes in your lifetime? You will be shocked when you work this out. Often you could have bought several houses.

How much more will you spend on cigarettes if you were lucky enough to live into your 80's? What about the health costs for failing health associated with the habit? What is it worth to you to not have to see the looks on your family's faces as you are gasping for air with an inoperable lung tumour?

When you quit smoking your body, as miraculous as it is, repairs itself as fast as it can to restore health and harmony. That is what the body does. It works all day to bring about homeostasis which is another word for balance. Why not help it as much as you an instead of hindering it with toxic chemicals?

It is amazing what can be achieved with natural remedies to help repair the damage that has taken place already. 

Cigarette companies will continue to provide cigarettes to you as it is big business. Even though you have health warnings on the packets they really don't care about your health, if they did they wouldn't manufacture them. Nor does the government as they make money on tax from the sale of the cigarettes. But then when you get sick, they don't treat you very well in the medical system as you are a smoker.

It's time to get angry and become smoke free and take action. Stop the excuses, and stop putting it off for another day. Don't put it off until after Christmas, after new Year, after the kids go back to school, after Easter or your Birthday...(trust me I have heard it all). You only have fact you only have now!

Hypnosis to quit smoking is by far the easiest and most effective way to take back your birthright, that of a non-smoker and break the habit NOW.

Stop the excuses and call Tranceformational Health services (in Croydon Hills, Victoria) to book your first appointment. 


Call Judy on 0408 977 553 or 9723 1223 to stop smoking and/or repair any damage.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Have you ever taken a look at what is inside your cigarette, that will be in you after you inhale?

Here is a peak at what's in them:

It is estimated that there are 4000 chemicals in cigarettes.
Now if I offered you a glass of arsenic, would you drink it?

What about attaching a hose to your car exhaust and inhaling, would you do it?  I can guess your response. So why would you have it in a cigarette?

Take a moment to stop before you light your cigarettes and think about what you are doing. What are you about to put into your body. Do you not deserve better for yourself? Are you not worth more.
Lung cancer is an horrible slow drowning, feels like you are suffocating. Any cancer is bad news, and smoking causes many of them. 

You have your future in your hands. You have a choice. People say to me that you could just as easily be hit by a bus, but you wouldn't intentionally step in front of it. 

It is time to get angry that you even started smoking in the first place. We now know the dangers, so why are they still for sale? Could it be so someone who doesn't give a damn about you makes some money? Is that alright with you? Does it sit well?

If not, then it is time to stop and invest in your future instead of pouring money into cigarettes, the tax department, some manufacturer's and retailer's pockets and future hospital bills.

Take back your power and let that non-smoker you were born to be come back. 

Hypnotherapy is the easiest way to stop smoking. Book an appointment now with 
Tranceformational Health Services in Croydon Hills.
Call: (03) 9723 1223 

Let's Talk About Nicotine Withdrawals.
It is often said that trying to quit smoking leaves you with "horrendous" withdrawals symptoms such as:

    • strong cravings
    • irritability
    • sleeping difficulties
    • feelings of anxiety, even depression     
    • concentration difficulties
    • restlessness
    • mood swings
    • and more!

    The reason for these symptoms is said to be nicotine withdrawal. Well, I have seen people on nicotine patches still want to smoke,
    so how does that work? And why is it that people who have hypnotherapy to quit smoking can do so from one day to the next
    without patches, gum, drugs, and never have a symptom of withdrawal? Instead a feeling of elation, confidence and success.

    If someone can stop having 60 -100 cigarettes a day and go to zero overnight, with not experience one withdrawal symptom or craving, how do you explain that?

    If nicotine is out of your system within a couple of days, why would you want to keep topping it up with patches, gum, or drugs that contain higher doses of nicotine than cigarettes? You are almost over smoking, why keep having it in other forms?

    From my experience, which is literally hundreds of people just for quitting smoking, they have quit, without symptoms, sometimes in one session, but most times within the  three that I usually do as a package. Very few have not quit, and I mean 1-2%. 

    Sometimes people have preconceived ideas as to how difficult it is to quit and they like to hang on to these ideas as it justifies their habit. What is usually holding them back is fear. Fear of the unknown. Is it really so horrendous to quit? What would happen if I stop and my friends don't, will I lose them? What will I do instead?

    I had one client who needed a double lung transplant and only came to get help because his doctor wouldn't perform the surgery unless he stopped smoking. I understand this, as obviously the lungs should be donated to someone who will take care of them.

    However, the client was so busy rebelling against the fact that he was told he had to stop smoking, he refused to give up as no-one was "telling him what to do".

    As mentioned previously in other articles, hypnotherapy is about bringing about the changes that YOU want, not what the therapist thinks you should have. When you have Hypnotherapy it is about empowering you to make the changes that are important to YOU.

    Your attitude is what can hold you back.If you turn up and say "I can't be hypnotized" and play games with yourself that you can 'beat the therapist', you actually lose. It is important to keep an open mind and go with the flow.

    During a session I go to great lengths to explain all to my client as knowledge is power, and power is control. When you have knowledge and then power over your thoughts you have control over your actions. You also lose the fear.

    It is ok to let your guard down and accept suggestions instead of resisting them as this is how you will succeed.

    Many smokers have limiting beliefs and once these are acknowledged and replaced by empowering ones, life changes.

    I am sure you have done things in the past that never thought you could, but succeeded anyway, despite yourself.

    Don't wait another day as EVERY cigarette hurts.

    Thursday, June 26, 2014


    Our clients seem to think that Hypnotherapy is the ultimate in relaxation. Well I guess that is a pretty good recommendation as they have experienced it.     

    What Happens During a Hypnotherapy Session?
    Many clients are very nervous when they walk in the door for their first session. They don't know what to expect. Are they going to be possessed, dance or cluck like a chicken? Will they have to reveal dark secrets from their past? I can't be hypnotized or what if I don't come back?

    There are numerous questions, fears and apprehensions which are only there due to lack of knowledge. With this short article I will endeavour to put your mind at rest. 

    Firstly, you will only cluck or dance like a chicken if you want to. But even so, it won't be here as there is no reference to chickens when it comes to Hypnotherapy. That happens in stage Hypnosis and only to people who are extraverts and love doing that. We have a protective in-built mechanism in the brain called the critical factor which is always awake listening, and if it hears something it doesn't agree with, you will simply snap out of it.

    Possession is also not going to happen for the same reason, (except in the movies perhaps). We are here to find a solution to your problem, so you take on suggestions that you want to hear that gel with why you are here.

    As for dark secrets, with Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy, we don't have to dig deep at all. In fact, you won't even have to talk while under, just relax and enjoy the experience. It is similar to guided meditation, so is extremely relaxing. In fact, most of the clients would like to curl up and go to sleep, they are so relaxed.

    Regarding the "I can't be hypnotized" belief, they say there are people who can't be. In all sincerity I have never found anyone who couldn't go under. It is a natural state that you go into every day in ordinary life (which is explained during the first session). 

    Also if people to come out of hypnosis, I would have a few hundred bodies to dispose of by now. So don't worry about that either.

    So there is nothing to fear at all. You simply come in and tell your story by answering some questions to help form a picture of where you are at. During this time we also correct some limiting beliefs that may have held you back, and then you just relax and listen to your Hypnotherapist.

    At Tranceformational Health we do 3 sessions for smoking as it is habit you acquired, so you will now acquire a new habit of being a non-smoker. On top of that you will feel empowered and look forward to being smoke free, and very proud  of yourself. During these 3 sessions (4-5 hours in total- whatever we need) you can expect to have stopped somewhere halfway through. Many will stop on the first session, but it is always good to reinforce with follow-ups. 

    How Many Sessions Do I Need?
    We have had many clients who went elsewhere had one session, often costing a fortune, may have stopped for a few days or weeks and then started to smoke again. This is why we do several sessions as repetition is the key to the subconscious mind. The more you repeat it the more you take on board. Everyone is different, but this applies to almost everyone that we have worked with since 1998.

    So now that your mind is at ease, call for your first appointment (03) 9723 1223


    At Tranceformational Health Services we specialise in the both the mind and the body. The mind, your thought forms and patterns, will trigger emotions which is not harmonious will eventually influence the cells in the body and cause symptoms and disease. Another way of looking at disease is dis-ease, a state of imbalance.

    We are a multi-modality clinic offering the best of both worlds, and having to tell your story once, whether it is emotional or physical. You have the same therapist who is highly trained in holistic health and working with all levels of your problem.

    For example if you had a smoking habit for a while, Hypnotherapy can help you to quit, while Naturopathy can help you to detox and repair any damage from free radicals that may have occurred. 

    We can also address via counselling, the emotional aspects to do with your habit and change any limiting beliefs with NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that may be keeping you stuck where you are.

    State -of- the- art health screening equipment is also available to screen for damage that may have occurred to your body from cigarettes to help repair the damage fast.

    So you see we are not just a Hypnotherapy clinic, we are a lot more.

    We have been practising in this manner since 1998 and have had many hundred success stories.

    We also treat other problems in this manner, including weightloss, using these modalities.

     So take action today and call (03)9723 1223 to book your appointment.


    Have you ever wondered why you are still smoking even though you know you shouldn't?

    It is because you are fighting yourself. Your conscious and subconscious brain are in turmoil with each other. 

    Maybe you have tried the willpower method to quit. Don't feel bad because you didn't quit, very few people can just give up cigarettes with willpower. The reason being you are focussing on cigarettes as you try to NOT smoke, so you will want one as what you focus on you get.

    If I said to you, whatever you do, DON'T think of a pink elephant. What are you thinking of? I would imagine it to be a pink elephant. That is how your mind works. BUT, when we get through to the subconscious mind, and talk in its language, we can get past that resistance, and finally quit.

    In fact, hypnosis is by far the most effective modality according to statistics.

    After only 6 sessions of Hypnotherapy there was 93% improvement of the problem compared to 600 sessions of Psychoanalysis and 38% improvement of the problem. hat is a HUGE difference.

    You should also know that it usually, but not always, takes several sessions of hypnotherapy to get your results as the subconscious works with repetition, which  is how you got the bad habit in the first place.

     Here is a recent dialogue (testimonial) from a client who came to me and spent several hours with me. To brief  you I usually do 3 sessions to get the best results but this man didn't have the time to do that and had to have a very long session over several hours. He had a very bad chronic cough and a new baby


    "Hi just seen your add about quitting smoking. I'm very interested in this, my doctor was going to put me on champax. I was just wondering what is the success rate of your program and can the sessions be done all at once. Thanks I'm just not sure which path to take. If you can help me out that would be great. P".

    We did our hypnotherapy/counselling session and a few weeks later:


    "Hi just to give you an update in still not smoking since I have seen you so its been 2 and a half weeks smoke free thanks heaps. P"
    I asked how his cough is going and he replied:
    "the cough has gone and a big thank you"
    Six weeks later, I asked how he is doing and he wrote:
    "All good. Still not smoking and don't feel the need to thanks heaps".

    That is how easy it is to give up smoking with Hypnotherapy.  

    The best result out of the hundreds that we have had is a man who smoked between 60 and 100 cigarettes a day, stop overnight! He has never wanted one since and had no withdrawals. That was in 1998. He is still completely smoke free and his breathing is almost at full lung capacity even though he has asthma and emphysema (which was his reason for quitting). The health of the lungs was improved with naturopathic remedies which is the beauty of the combination of  naturopathy/hypnotherapy.

    If you would like to begin your journey as a non-smoker give us a call on (03) 9723 1223


    It is not news that smoking harms your health but these are some interesting facts about exactly how harmful it is.

    Recently there was new research revealed that they have found cancer being caused by cigarette residue on clothes and furniture in your home and car and any other enclosed places people smoke. There is no doubt it is damaging the world's health, so why is it still legal?